How the Nation's #1 CME Solution is Made

One Strong CME Solution. Many Powerful Parts.

At AudioDigest, we’re a proud part of the cutting-edge solutions preparing clinicians for the future of healthcare and its evolving patient population.

We also pride ourselves on being unbiased, dedicated and steadfastly committed to strong service of the medical profession through continuing medical education. We believe that nowhere is the devotion to and love for education stronger or more vital than in the medical community. We also believe that the lifelong pursuit of knowledge in medicine reveals its true purpose — the betterment of life for all people.

Our Process

For a lecture to be published by AudioDigest, a great deal of “behind-the-scenes” communication, work and refinement must happen. For each of our core products, we record lectures by expert-level speakers and subject matter experts at top medical society meetings and conferences, doing so only with express permission from the speakers themselves.

Courses are then created based on a number of factors. Audio is optimized by seasoned engineers. Summaries and test questions are produced. The final product is always accredited by multiple accrediting bodies — so it always counts for something. We take maintaining and adhering to accreditation requirements extremely seriously, and our accreditation status allows us to provide valuable CME/CE/MOC resources for pharmacists, nurses, and physicians.

Our Process

Our Lifecycle

Once a lecture is recorded, an editor must decide whether or not to incorporate it into one of our products. Once a lecture is selected for inclusion, it is sent to audio engineering for optimization, as well as to a content writer for creation of the printed product portions (summaries, test questions, etc.). Another round of review is then conducted — by an audio editor and a copyediting team. At every step of the way, accreditation considerations play a prominent role. The end result is that the typical accredited AudioDigest lecture is listened to at least six times prior to publication.

A final, broadcast-quality lecture is not only replete with expert-level information and insight, but edited and optimized for maximum ease of listening, comprehension and efficiency. The combination of pretest, written materials and suggested readings, audio, and post-test work together to create one CE/CME/MOC activity.

Our Lifecycle

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